
Every school day a fleet of buses leaves the Breck campus to pick up more than 550 students from 600 square miles around the metropolitan area. Breck offers four types of transportation service. One-way Service — either bringing the student to school or taking the student home; Two-way Service — morning and afternoon; and Activity Bus Service — buses leave the campus at 5:45 PM. Transportation service is available to all Breck students 4 years and older.

Breck transportation service is extremely convenient. We offer home-to-school service (are highlighted in blue below), group stops (area highlighted in gold below) and express pickup and drop-off locations in several suburban areas so that more students can be “last on first off” riders. The average ride time for these express stops is 15-20 minutes. Group stops and express stops are stops where families meet the bus as a designed location. Bus rider policies can be found here. You can also designate special schedules for particular days of the week to accommodate activities such as music lessons, tutoring, gymnastics, etc. Additionally, students in grades 5–12 can utilize the Activity Route (Late Bus) when involved in after school activities. See activity route rates here.

Metro Area Coverage Map

map of transportation routes



If you have more questions, please feel free to contact our Director of Transportation, Mark Ryks, at 763.381.8218 or by email by clicking the button below.

Transportation Pricing by Zone

Breck provides an excellent transportation experience for all of our riders. From our drivers to transportation logistics staff, we are here to provide flexible, value-added service that partners with our families seeking school transportation. Please explore the seven zones below to find estimated rates for the 2024-2025 school year (zones prices are determined by proximity to Breck).
In addition, we will continue to offer group stop and sibling discounts for the 2024-2025 school year. Discount rates have been increased to the following:
  • 25% discount for a group stop (roundtrip)
  • 40% discount for a group stop (one way service)
  • 30% discount for the first sibling rider
  • 60% discount for the second sibling rider
  • 100% discount for the third sibling rider
We look forward to seeing you at the bus stop.

Zone A Annual Pricing

Families located within Zone A have the following transportation options:

Estimated 2025-2026 Costs*

One-way: $850
Round trip: $1,000

*Official pricing is set in August once fuel and insurance costs are locked in at the best rate Breck can negotiate.

Zone B Annual Pricing

Families located within Zone B have the following transportation options:

Estimated 2025-2026 Costs*

One-way: $2,445
Round trip: $2,875

*Official pricing is set in August once fuel and insurance costs are locked in at the best rate Breck can negotiate.

Zone C Annual Pricing

Families located within Zone C have the following transportation options:

Estimated 2025-2026 Costs*

One-way: $2,795
Round trip: $3,290

*Official pricing is set in August once fuel and insurance costs are locked in at the best rate Breck can negotiate.

Zone D Annual Pricing

Families located within Zone D have the following transportation options:

Estimated 2025-2026 Costs*

One-way: $2,795
Round trip: $3,290

*Official pricing is set in August once fuel and insurance costs are locked in at the best rate Breck can negotiate.

Zone E Annual Pricing

Families located within Zone E have the following transportation options:

Estimated 2025-2026 Price*

One-way: $3,020
Round trip: $3,550

*Official pricing is set in August once fuel and insurance costs are locked in at the best rate Breck can negotiate.

Zone F Annual Pricing

Families located within Zone F have the following transportation options:

Estimated 2025-2026 Price*

One-way: $3,125
Round trip: $3,675

*Official pricing is set in August once fuel and insurance costs are locked in at the best rate Breck can negotiate.

Breck's Transportation Zone

Requests Outside of Breck's Transportation Zones

For requests outside the outlined transportation zone, please contact our Director of Transportation, Mark Ryks at

Breck Lower School Students Board the Bus