Marion Jones Kennon Endowed Fund
The Legacy of Marion Jones Kennon
At Breck, we are committed to develop each student’s unique talents and potential to excel by nurturing independence and self-worth, which includes an acknowledgement of students’ racial, cultural and economic heritage. This emphasis is a deep seated one of our most defining qualities as an independent school. Because of this focus, Breck has consistently attracted educators who define their careers by knowing students well, by challenging them academically, and by providing appropriate support to suit their unique needs. One extraordinary example is Marion Jones Kennon, a pillar of the Breck community for nearly 50 years. In honor of Marion, and the values that define Breck, we have launched the Marion Jones Kennon Endowed Fund (MJKE). The MJKE supports the financial aid needs of Black-identified students at Breck, including, but not limited to, scholarship funds.