Tuition, Fees, and Financial Aid

At Breck, we have long understood that maintaining a diverse community is as much a matter of educational excellence as it is a matter of social and civic responsibility. Our commitment to diversity — including socioeconomic diversity — represents idealism about the kind of learning community we want Breck students to experience and realism about the kind of world in which Breck graduates will live. Financial aid has always been an important tool for ensuring that Breck remains a vibrant community. In 2024-2025, 358 students (30% of the student body) were awarded financial aid grants in excess of $8 million. The amounts varied from $1,000 to full tuition and, in some situations, full tuition, books and transportation. Grants carry no obligation of payment back to the school.

Submitting an Application

Breck partners with Clarity to host the application for financial assistance. Clarity considers a number of factors such as income, assets, liabilities, unusual circumstances, and size of family in determining a recommended family contribution. Regardless of the number of children in a family pursuing admission, the fee for submitting the online application is $60.

To apply for financial assistance, parents should indicate their plans to apply for aid via the application for admission. This prompts the admission office to download your financial aid application from Clarity. Families then create an account with Clarity to complete the financial aid application by February 1, 2025 (this is the same deadline as the application for admission). Financial aid awards are sent March 28 with your child's admissions decision. Accepted families receiving a financial aid grant must submit their enrollment contract by April 11 to guarantee their award.

When completing the financial aid application online, Clarity will automatically import your 2023 1040 and W2 from the IRS. You will also be asked to upload a recent 2024 pay stub for each parent/caregiver in the household(s). Depending upon your individual family circumstances, other documents may be required. Clarity will identify any additional supporting financial information needed to complete your application for financial aid.

Questions regarding applying for financial aid via Clarity? Please review this helpful family application guide; within the application guide page, you can access versions of this document in English and Spanish.

Lastly, the Admissions Office offers an online webinar in November to review the application process for financial aid, in addition to two, in person workshops in December and January. More information and links to register can be found within our events page on the financial aid tab. 

For information about tuition rates, transportation fees, and other expenses by grade, please use the link below. All tuition amounts include lunch and all bundled fees.

Tuition and Fees by Grade Level

Additional Information
As you can see from the table below, we are committed to assisting families in all grades attending Breck. An overview of our grant recipients by grade provides insight into the scope of financial support Breck offers. Need-based grants were awarded to families with a wide range of annual incomes. Breck’s Financial Aid committee considers total income as a starting point, along with many other factors, such as family size, number of children in tuition-bearing schools, age of the primary working parent, assets, liabilities and unusual allowable expenses. 

Financial Aid Recipients by Grade, 2024-2025

Grade Level # Grade Level #
Preschool* 17 Grade 6 28
Kindergarten  21 Grade 7 30
Grade 1 15 Grade 8 23
Grade 2 16 Grade 9 38
Grade 3 28 Grade 10 44
Grade 4 23 Grade 11 36
Grade 5 20 Grade 12 33

*Breck offers two years of Preschool; financial aid is available
for students who will be 4 on the first day of Preschool.

Tuition Rates for 2025-2026

Division/Grade Tuition/Fees
Preschool Half Days $25,920
Preschool Full Days $33,685
Kindergarten Full Days $34,805
Grades 1-4 $37,930
Grades 5-8 $39,385
Grades 9-11 $39,940
Grade 12 $39,990

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